Friday, April 6, 2012

Fess Up Friday: 5 Personal Finance Topics I'm Over | Well Heeled ...

Not to be a complainer, but there are a few things about money and finances just get my goat. So in the spirit of Fess Up Friday, I present to you the five personal finance topics that I?m over.

1. People who talk about the beautiful $2,000 wedding they had for 100 people?15 years ago, and then wonder why couples today need to spend more. I know most?folks do this with the intention of demonstrating that a wedding can be done cheaply and well (true). Also, true, however, is the fact that $2,000 15, 10, or even 5 years ago is not the same as $2,000 now. Inflation (plus the above-inflation wedding industry price increases) happens.

2. The sin of buying a (gasp) new car. Given the ever-increasing cost of good used cars, buying a new car might be the right choice, both for financial reasons and for peace of mind.

3. Fashion magazines and their charming sense of what is ?budget-friendly? or ?steal-worthy.? Unless you make a really good living, there is no way that ANY $1,000 dress/bag/necklace is a steal, even if their more expensive counterparts cost $5,000. I was so disturbed by this trend I wrote a whole post on it.

4. Extreme ? and unethical -?couponing. I don?t know when it became trendy to buy 300 cases of canned pasta sauce and pile them up in the basement (or breaking laws and disregarding store policies to make such purchases), but I will be glad when this whole thing blows over. Please, coupon judiciously and conscientiously.

5. The ?stupidity? of tax refunds (or, if you get a big tax refund, or want a refund, or do not mind a refund, then you are?a dimwit who cannot do math). Yes, yes, I know, tax refunds are interest-free loans to the government. I know that, and even so I would much rather received a refund than owe money, and for most people having a big refund is actually a pretty good way of enforcing savings. Besides, at less than 1% interest rate for most cash accounts, just how much interest are you missing out on with a refund? Answer: probably not enough for you to lose sleep over.

Hat tip to Eemusings for the inspiration.

What 5 personal finance topics are you over?

Related posts:

  1. Fess Up Friday
  2. Fess Up Friday: All The Things I Want To Buy Edition
  3. Fess Up Friday: Bad Purchase Edition

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