Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Baby showers - She's Carrying My Babies

???? Its been a spring full of showers for us...not rain showers, but baby showers.? Our friends and family threw us three baby showers.? It seems excessive, but it was three different groups of people in disparate locations-- my family in NJ, my friends in NYC and my hubby's friends in Baltimore.? Each was hosted in someone's home with a small gathering of the people closest to us.? My mother hosted one of the showers with four generations of my extended family -- my grandmother, aunts, cousins, and my cousins' children -- ooowwing and ahhing at the little outfits and crocheted matching stuffed animals that accompanied boxes of diapers and wipes and two all-in-one baby food makers, the cute and the practical, along with the impractical (a baby food maker for twins, "Good luck with that" chuckled my triplet-mom cousin).?
???? Good friends hosted one in Queens where smart, fun and stylish presents prevailed: favorite books, glamorous faux fur hats, pacifiers with voluptuous lips or buck teeth, leg warmers with knee pads to protect their shins when they learn to crawl and bibs that will teach my girls some art-speak like "Recently acquired masterpiece" and "Work of Art."? Perhaps most creative after an art teacher friend's collages of baby carriages made of money, was? collaborative advice book by my friends with children who were scribbling furiously in the book during the shower hints like "for the first few weeks, bath them with soft paper towels and water instead of wipes" and "sing lots of songs - you'll be amazed the day when they finish the words of the songs for you!" and "ipad ipad ipad." ?
???? My hubby's friends from work, all working in the medical field, hosted the last one in Baltimore.? There, amongst the many adorable blankets, toys and outfits (one appliqued by a surgical resident - where she found the time I'll never know), was our first baby thermometer and a bottle of wine called "Mommy's Little Helper."? I'm taking these two present together as the following advice: if they don't have a fever and you've done everything you can think of and they're still crying, a little sip from the big bottle is the only thing that's going to help mommy. ? ?? ? ? ? ??
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