Monday, December 31, 2012

Progress seen in last-minute debt talks

WASHINGTON (AP) ? Working against a midnight deadline, negotiators for the White House and congressional Republicans in Congress narrowed their differences Monday on legislation to avert across-the-board tax increases.

Congressional officials familiar with talks between Vice President Joe Biden and Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell said one major remaining sticking point was whether to postpone spending cuts that are scheduled to begin on Jan 1.

Republicans want to replace across-the-board reductions with targeted cuts elsewhere in the budget, and the White House and Democrats were resisting.

At the same time, Democrats said the two sides were closing in on an agreement over taxes. They said the White House had proposed blocking an increase for most Americans, while letting rates rise for individuals with incomes of $400,000 a year and $450,000 for couples, a concession from President Barack Obama's campaign call to set the levels at $200,000 and $250,000.

Any overall deal was also likely to include a provision to prevent a spike in milk prices with the new year, extend unemployment benefits due to expire and protect doctors who treat Medicare patients from a 27 percent cut in fees.

Both the House and Senate were on track to meet on the final day of the year, although there was no expectation that a compromise could be approved by both houses by midnight, even if one were agreed to.

Instead, the hope of the White House and lawmakers was to seal an agreement, enact it and send it to Obama for his signature before taxpayers felt the impact of higher income taxes or federal agencies began issuing furloughs or taking other steps required by spending cuts.

Regardless of the fate of the negotiations, it appeared all workers would experience a cut in their-home pay with the expiration of a two-year cut in payroll taxes.

Officials who described the negotiations did so on condition of anonymity, citing the confidential nature of the discussions.

A spokesman for McConnell, Don Stewart, said the Kentucky lawmaker and Biden "continued their discussion late into the evening and will continue to work toward a solution. More information as it becomes available."

Unless an agreement is reached and approved by Congress by the start of New Year's Day, more than $500 billion in 2013 tax increases will begin to take effect and $109 billion will be carved from defense and domestic programs

Though the tax hikes and budget cuts would be felt gradually, economists warn that if allowed to fully take hold, their combined impact ? the so-called fiscal cliff ? would rekindle a recession.

"This whole thing is a national embarrassment," Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., said Monday on MSNBC, adding that any solution Congress would swallow at this late stage would be inconsequential. "We still haven't moved any closer to solving our nation's problems."

In a move that was sure to irritate Republicans, Reid was planning ? absent a deal ? to force a Senate vote Monday on Obama's campaign-season proposal to continue expiring tax cuts for all but those with income exceeding $200,000 for individuals and $250,000 for couples.

In one sign of movement on Sunday, Republicans dropped a demand to slow the growth of Social Security and other benefits by changing how those payments are increased each year to allow for inflation.

Obama had offered to include that change, despite opposition by many Democrats, as part of earlier, failed bargaining with House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, over a larger deficit reduction agreement. But Democrats said they would never include the new inflation formula in the smaller deal now being sought to forestall wide-ranging tax boosts and budget cuts, and Republicans relented.

"It's just acknowledging the reality," Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, said of the GOP decision to drop the idea.

There was still no final agreement on the income level above which decade-old income tax cuts would be allowed to expire. While Obama has long insisted on letting the top 35 percent tax rate rise to 39.6 percent on earnings over $250,000, he'd agreed to boost that level to $400,000 in his talks with Boehner. GOP senators said they wanted the figure hoisted to at least that level.

Senators said disagreements remained over taxing large inherited estates. Republicans want the tax left at its current 35 percent, with the first $5.1 million excluded, while Democrats want the rate increased to 45 percent with a smaller exclusion.

The two sides were also apart on how to keep the alternative minimum tax from raising the tax bills of nearly 30 million middle-income families and how to extend tax breaks for research by business and other activities.

Republicans were insisting that budget cuts be found to pay for some of the spending proposals Democrats were pushing.

These included proposals to erase scheduled defense and domestic cuts exceeding $200 billion over the next two years and to extend unemployment benefits. Republicans complained that in effect, Democrats would pay for that spending with the tax boosts on the wealthy.

"We can't use tax increases on anyone to pay for more spending," said Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Texas.

Both parties also want to block an immediate 27 percent cut in reimbursements to doctors who treat Medicare patients. Republicans wanted to find savings from Obama's health care bill as well as from Medicare providers, while Democrats want to protect the health care law from cuts.


Eds: Associated Press writers David Espo, Julie Pace, Robert Burns and Josh Lederman contributed to this report.


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Saturday, December 29, 2012

2012 Power Rankings

All WWE programming, talent names, images, likenesses, slogans, wrestling moves, trademarks, logos and copyrights are the exclusive property of WWE, Inc. and its subsidiaries. All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. ? 2012 WWE, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This website is based in the United States. By submitting personal information to this website you consent to your information being maintained in the U.S., subject to applicable U.S. laws. U.S. law may be different than the law of your home country. WrestleMania XXIX (NY/NJ) logo TM & ? 2012 WWE. All Rights Reserved. The Empire State Building design is a registered trademark and used with permission by ESBC.


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Friday, December 28, 2012

OUYA developer Android gaming consoles now shipping ...

The long awaited Kickstarter-funded OUYA gaming console is finally upon us. Well, some of us at least. The team behind the Android based gaming cube has announced that units have begun shipping, keeping on schedule with its December 28th target date. The first batch is slated to arrive in the hands of eager developers by January 10th, which should give around four months of exclusivity before the consumer edition drops sometime in March or April.

Unlike other high profile Kickstarter projects, the OUYA team has managed to stay on schedule with its aggressive?development?strategy. Just four months after ending its massive funding campaign, OUYA is already on its way to thousands of backers, something that can be appreciated considering the astronomical $8.5 million raised.

Source: LaptopMag

? See more articles by Colton Kaiser


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Preparing adopted kids to adopt again - Forums

We recently adopted a second time. I was surprised on the morning of the big day my AD (9yo) said, "Now I'm not special anymore". It took me by surprise... so we've been talking about that.
I know she loves him and is glad he is here (most of the time).
She has always been sympathetic towards our foster children and has shared with them her connection and how she relates to them. We never tell her story (including that she is adopted) to other kids - it is hers to tell... One time she told my then FS, now AS, that she too had a birth mom who couldn't take care of her and that she didn't see anymore but she still thought about her and that he could always talk about his birthmom in our house because we were good listeners.
When we were making the decision whether to adopt this time soon after the TPR I talked to the kids and told them the options; they both agreed it had been hard but he was part of our family and we loved him and he should stay forever. I told them that things might be hard at times in the future but we would all be in it together to help each other.
Tonight as I was tucking my AS into bed my AD brought his vitamin in for me and when he took it she skipped out of his room singing, "I'm a big sister" (already was but now 2x over), "he looks up to me".

I wish I had talked to her more about her special place and how family love works - don't share love, just have more - before we got so close to the adoption. I should have known her emotions would be high and I wish I had helped process prior.
I am glad I let them be part of the discussion and the decision; we made a commitment as a family.
And my kids set a limit - they said they didnt want 10 kids "3 or 4 is probably good". Well at least I know their hearts are open for maybe one more...


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Thursday, December 27, 2012

5 Tips for Choosing an Online Marketing Specialist | Virtual Assistant ...

Online Marketing SpecialistOnline Marketing is one of the most effective ways to generate new customers and profits for your local business. This is primarily due to the fact that most consumers go online to search for local products, services, and businesses that can provide what they?re looking for.

However, business owners are busy actually ?running their businesses?? so they have very little time to implement online marketing strategies all on their own. First, they would have to spend a great deal of time learning the ins and outs of each method. Then, they would have to thoroughly implement, test, track, and refine those methods on an ongoing basis if they want to get the best results.

As you can imagine, this would be a huge, daunting task for any business owner to take on. However, it does not mean that internet marketing should be ignored or avoided ? that would be a huge mistake.

Instead, business owners must find the appropriate resources and help to get the job done. But many of them prolong the process because they still haven?t found an Online Marketing Specialist that they know, like, and trust with their marketing efforts.

Here are 5 tips to help you choose an Online Marketing Specialist:

1. Set-up an appointment with them to get to know them. You probably receive tons of phone calls, emails, and direct mail pieces from online marketing specialists all over the world.? If you?re struggling to move forward with your online marketing initiatives simply because you?re stuck on choosing a consultant, go ahead and break the ice.

Once you start a dialogue with someone, you can truly get a feel for whether or not that person is right for you.? Have a list of questions that are important to you and pay close attention to their answers. Within just a few minutes of speaking with someone, you should be able to figure out whether or not they really have your business?s best interest at hand.

2. Make sure they understand ?local? online marketing. There are some online marketing consultants who will try to sell you tools and systems that do not help at all when it comes to getting more ?local? online exposure.? So be sure to ask them if they specialize in ?local? marketing.

3. Make sure they fully analyze your particular situation and can provide recommendations. Beware of marketing consultants who jump the gun and try to sell you something right off the bat. A professional consultant will ask you some detailed questions about your business so they can provide the most effective, targeted solutions that will help you get more local online visibility.

4. Make sure they can help you with various areas of online marketing ? not just one. Some marketing consultants are focused on selling shiny objects; but in order to really make the internet work for you, there are several things you must do. For instance, a beautiful website is nothing if you?re not getting any traffic to that website. Likewise, a bunch of traffic is nothing if you don?t have effective conversion tools on your website that will turn visitors into customers.

5. Ask about pricing so you know what to expect. Just keep in mind that ?cheaper price? could end up meaning ?lack of service? ? you get what you pay for most of the time. On the other hand, don?t assume that just because someone is charging premium prices that they will provide premium services.

As you can see, there are several factors to consider before choosing an Online Marketing specialist. But don?t let your own fears stop you from moving forward; instead, choose someone to help you so you can finally get in front of local consumers online.

Related posts:

  1. Internet Marketing Service: How To Choose the Right One for Your Local Business
  2. Should Your Local Business Have An Online Presence?
  3. 5 Social Media Marketing Tips for Your Business
  4. Reverse SEO: Restoring Online Reputations
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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

2012 Climate Change News That Made Headlines This Year

By Wynne Parry, LiveScience Contributor:

Global warming was hot news this year, literally.

Perhaps the most unavoidable climate story of 2012 was the warmth that gripped much of the United States, and to a lesser degree, the planet, throughout the entire year. Heat waves brought "spring in March" to parts of the country, and broke all-time high-temperature records in a number of places. This, inevitably, led to a discussion of global warming and the degree to which it contributes to some types of extreme weather, in this case heat waves.

In fact, prominent climate scientist James Hansen, of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, and colleagues published research saying recent heat waves "were a consequence of global warming, because their likelihood in the absence of global warming was exceedingly small." Some other climate scientists, however, disagreed about the degree to which heat waves can be attributed to climate change.

Meanwhile, many of the top climate stories this year have become something like annual rites recently, as people around the world grapple with human-caused climate change, and attempt to address it and its effects. [7 Hottest Climate Change Stories of 2012]

Natural disasters, such as Hurricane Sandy (actually a hybrid storm) this year like others last year, have sparked discussion of the connection between climate change and increased risk for some extreme weather events. A majority of Americans also seem to be making the connection between extreme weather and climate change, according to surveys by the?Yale Project on Climate Change Communication?and the George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication.

In reality, attributing any single weather event to global warming is tricky, though some scientists said the planet's increasing temperatures may have worsened Sandy. "The climate influences on this are what we might call the 'new normal,' the changed environment this storm is operating in," Kevin Trenberth, who heads the climate analysis section of the National Center for Atmospheric Research, told LiveScience at the end of October. For instance, the warmer ocean surfaces ? which fuel hurricanes ? may increase the risk that a storm will become more intense, Trenberth said. In addition, rising sea levels worsen the risk of flooding, the cause of much of the devastation Sandy wrought.

Likewise, global climate talks moved forward slowly, as they have in the last few years, against warnings that nations must curb the planet's rising greenhouse gas emissions or face dramatic consequences.

This year also brought some milestones. Arctic sea-ice cover retreated to a record low in September. As with unusually warming temperatures, the record sea-ice retreat did not come out of the blue. In recent years, the sea-ice cover has fallen below the average extent for 1979 to 2000, and, likewise, the first decade of this century was the warmest decade ever recorded in all continents of the globe, according to the World Meteorological Organization.

Scientists who study sea ice have blamed a combination of natural fluctuations and human-caused warming for the increased loss of ice, although some differ as to how much humans have contributed, Claire Parkinson, a senior scientist who studies climate at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, said in September.

Early in the year, the United States, once the biggest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, saw its carbon-dioxide emissions from energy use drop to the lowest level since 1992, a decline the Department of Energy attributed to a mild winter, a shift from coal to natural gas and a slow economy. In 2011, the United States contributed 16 percent to the world's emissions from fossil fuel use, behind the 28 percent contribution from the top emitter, now China, according to a report by the Global Carbon Project.?

Follow LiveScienceon Twitter @livescience. We're also on Facebook?& Google+.

Copyright 2012 LiveScience, a TechMediaNetwork company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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Monday, December 24, 2012

Tunisian govenrment auctions ex-dictator's cars

Tunisia's Ministry of Finance has started to auction off 39 luxury cars that were confiscated in January of 2011 from ex-dictator Zine El Abidine Ben Ali and members of his family.

The fleet of cars includes a Maybach 62, a Mercedes-Benz CL65?AMG, an Aston Martin Vanquish, a McLaren SLR and a Rolls Royce Silver Spirit. ?The Ben Ali family seemingly had a penchant for American cars and the auction also features a Cadillac Escalade, a Ford Expedition and an armored Cadillac DTS limousine.?

Sources familiar with the auction claim that the 39 cars are just a fraction of the Ben Ali family's fleet. ?A total of 200 cars were reportedly seized when the dictator and his family fled to Saudi Arabia after being ousted from power.

Not limited to cars, the auction also includes artwork, jewelry, articles of clothing and a wide array of miscellaneous objects and artifacts. ?The Tunisian government hopes that the sale will return a total of 20 million Dinar, or roughly $12.9 million.

The money raised by the auction will be factored into the country's budget for the next fiscal year.

"All the financial returns will enter the government budget which includes the regional development, infrastructure and general investment projects," said Khalil Elzawiah, the minister of social affairs.

Tunisian government auctions ex-dictator's cars Reviewed by Ronan Glon on December 23 The fleet of cars includes a McLaren SLR and a Cadillac Escalade. Rating:

Associated Press


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Saturday, December 22, 2012

Former Marine guards California school

HUGHSON, Calif. (AP) ? A former Marine applauded for voluntarily guarding a central California elementary school apparently misrepresented his service history, U.S. Marine Corps officials said Thursday.

Craig Pusley showed up for a second day of guard duty Thursday at Hughson Elementary School, this time in civilian clothes after wearing military fatigues the day before. He was gone by midmorning, after Unified School District Superintendent Brian Beck discovered discrepancies about Pusley's military service and asked him to leave.

A day earlier, Pusley, 25, told The Modesto Bee he was a sergeant in the Marine Reserve and had deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan. Pusley said he was unemployed and using his reservist pay to support his wife and 3-year-old child.

Capt. Gregory A. Wolf, a Marines spokesman, told The Associated Press on Thursday that Pusley never served overseas and was discharged in 2008 as a private after serving less than a year at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot in San Diego. He also is not a reservist.

Laura Fong, the principal at Hughson Elementary School, wouldn't comment on the controversy Thursday because she said she didn't know all the facts. But she said it was a "very heartwarming thing" when the former Marine showed up Wednesday, and his presence made her and the staff feel safer.

Before the controversy, parents in the small agricultural community 100 miles southeast of San Francisco thanked Pusley for guarding their children and bought him cups of coffee.

"In the beginning, I thought it was a good idea, because as a parent I was concerned about safety with everything going on," Amber Navarro, 26, said while picking up her first-grader at the school. "He seemed like a really nice guy."

Pusley, who did not respond to calls for comment from the AP, told the Bee he had responded to a call on Facebook for veterans to help protect schools in the wake of the mass shooting at a Connecticut elementary school. A Facebook group called Veterans on Watch, created this month, is circulating a White House petition that calls for the employment of competent veterans as armed security guards in America's schools, and 2,239 people have signed it so far.

"It would act as a deterrent to have a well-trained first responder on hand to neutralize the situation as soon as possible," said Chad Walker, a former combat medic in the Army and one of the group's founders.

WSMV-TV in Nashville, Tenn., reported that another former Marine, Staff Sgt. Jordan Pritchard, stood guard in front of Gower Elementary in Nashville on Wednesday. Pritchard, who has two children at the school, said he wanted to provide extra security to students and teachers.

Wolf, the Marines spokesman, said the Marine Corps contacted Pritchard, requesting that he stop wearing his uniform outside the school. At no point was the former Marine asked to stop standing in protection of his son's school, Wolf said.

Former Marines are prohibited from wearing their uniform in public, except for military funerals, memorial services, weddings, inaugurals, and parades on national or state holidays.

According to the Official Military Personnel File, Pritchard served from 2003 to 2011 as a chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear defense specialist. He was a staff sergeant and served in Afghanistan.

Marine Corps officials declined to say whether Pusley would face any legal repercussions for lying about his deployment history. However, it's unlikely he will since his fabrication was related to an act of generosity.

Earlier this year, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a law aimed at people making phony claims of heroism on the grounds that it violated First Amendment free speech rights.


Wozniacka reported from Fresno, Calif.


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Friday, December 21, 2012

FAQ's on Authoring a Book: Writing, Publishing and Promoting ? Part 1

December 20th, 2012 ? 8:44 pm @ rldonovan // No Comments

First Novel

First Novel

The origin of Bozell Books and Managing New Author Expectations:

The Bozell Books division was started as a direct result of my own personal need. I had just published my first book: Is It Still Murder Even If She Was A Bitch?, and I hadn?t a clue as to how to promote it.?


I learned through glimpses of more experienced authors that promoting a book in this day and age takes an Herculean effort. I hasten to add that it has been something I?ve wanted to do for as long as I can remember ? and it has absolutely been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life! I wouldn?t trade it for anything!

Promoting a book seemed so easy based on all the movies and TV shows depicting authors and their exciting careers. From my vantage point things looked dramatically different. In the movies and in TV, once your book is published you just sit back and let the world gather at your feet. Your publisher sets up reading/signing/speaking engagements and provides a stretch limo (complete with chilled champagne) to convey you from one glamorous event to the next.

Reality bore little resemblance to the glamour of fiction as the promotion of my book began. I felt extremely fortunate to have worked closely with an established author of Harlequin Romance novels before undertaking my own career as a novelist. At last count she has written and published 17 books and her painstaking experience in trying to promote them has helped to manage my own expectations.

I find that the most difficult part of helping a budding author is in trying to manage their expectations. There is at least a little part of all of us (myself included) that thinks ?that?s you, but my work will be received differently.? It can happen, but it?s pretty rare.

The most difficult part of managing new author expectations is in getting the point across without going so far that it kills motivation. It?s a finely balanced art.

As challenging as it is to promote a book, the thrill of getting out into the public and sharing your work with new audiences is a rush like no other. A relative recently asked me in a somewhat sardonic tone ?so, do you get the star treatment?? The first thought that flitted through my head was the backbreaking amount of work I was doing to promote the book; but my second thought took me right to that place where I?m in front of an audience comprised of folks that want to know any number of things about me and my book. ?Yes,? I answered in all honesty, ?there are times when I really do.?

Donovan heads Bozell Books, a division of Bozell designed to help authors and budding authors from inception through promotion of their published work. Her next installment of FAQs on Authoring a Book will address the age old challenge of ?Getting Started.?



Tags: author, book promotion, book reading, book signing, fiction, novel, novelist, promoting, publisher, publishing, writer, writing


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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Dropbox Acquires Snapjoy And Puts Photos Into Its Focus

snapjoylogoLess than one week after Dropbox acqui-hired Audiogalaxy to beef up its cloud music ambitions, today comes news of another acquisition, this time focused on another form of media, photos: the cloud-storage giant is buying Snapjoy?--?like Dropbox, a Y Combinator-alum -- which lets users aggregate, archive and view all of their digital photos from their cameras, phones and popular apps like Flickr, Instagram and Picasa, and then view them online or via an iOS app.


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Monday, December 17, 2012

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High court fight looms over right to carry a gun

WASHINGTON (AP) ? The next big issue in the national debate over guns ? whether people have a right to be armed in public ? is moving closer to Supreme Court review.

A provocative ruling by a panel of federal appeals court judges in Chicago struck down the only statewide ban on carrying concealed weapons, in Illinois. The ruling is somewhat at odds with those of other federal courts that have largely upheld state and local gun laws, including restrictions on concealed weapons, since the Supreme Court's landmark ruling declaring that people have a right to have a gun for self-defense.

In, 2008, the court voted 5-4 in District of Columbia v. Heller to strike down Washington's ban on handgun ownership and focused mainly on the right to defend one's own home. The court left for another day how broadly the Second Amendment may protect gun rights in other settings.

Legal scholars say the competing appellate rulings mean that day is drawing near for a new high court case on gun rights.

The appeals court ruling in Chicago came early in a week that ended with the mass shooting in Connecticut that left 28 people dead, including 20 children at an elementary school and the presumed gunman.

Laurie Levenson, a professor at the Loyola Law School in Los Angeles, said that along with thorny legal issues, "we have the overlay of these tragedies hitting us on a somewhat regular basis."

The author of a book that traces the battle over gun control in the U.S. said he thinks Supreme Court intervention is likely in the short-term. "Since the Heller case, the next great question for the Supreme Court to decide was whether there is a right to carry guns in public," said UCLA law professor Adam Winkler, whose book "Gunfight" was published last year.

Roughly 40 states make it easy for people to carry a gun in public. But in California, New York and a few other states, local and state regulations make it difficult if not impossible to get a license to carry a weapon. Illinois and the District of Columbia have been the only places to refuse to allow people to be armed in public.

"In some of our most populated states, the right does not exist either because it's completely forbidden or practically forbidden," said Alan Gura, the lawyer who won the Heller case at the Supreme Court.

Gun rights advocates and gun control supporters are as split over the issue of having guns in public as they were over whether the Constitution protected gun ownership at all ? and along the same lines.

Jonathan Lowy, an attorney with the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, said, "If law enforcement makes a determination that somebody would increase the danger to the public by carrying a loaded gun on the streets, then that person should not be carrying a loaded gun. Some people in the gun lobby want to tie the hands of law enforcement."

But Wayne LaPierre, chief executive officer of the National Rifle Association, said, "Clearly, the individual right under the Constitution does not apply only to your home. People have lives outside their home and the constitutional right applies outside their home."

Sometimes, LaPierre said, "The only thing to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun."

Judge Richard Posner of the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals employed similar reasoning in his majority opinion striking down the Illinois law. Posner said that threatening confrontations do not only or even principally occur at home. "A Chicagoan is a good deal more likely to be attacked on a sidewalk in a rough neighborhood than in his apartment on the 35th floor of the Park Tower," the judge said.

He homed in on the distinction between inside the home and on the street in his questioning of another recent appeals court ruling that upheld New York's restrictive law on granting people permits to carry concealed weapons. A unanimous panel of the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said the requirement that people demonstrate a special need to carry a concealed weapon does not violate the Constitution.

"Our principal reservation about the Second Circuit's analysis is its suggestion that the Second Amendment should have much greater scope inside the home than outside simply because other provisions of the Constitution have been held to make that distinction," including the right to privacy that underlies the high court ruling striking down sodomy laws. "Well of course, the interest in having sex inside one's home is much greater than the interest in having sex on the sidewalk in front of one's home. But the interest in self-protection is as great outside as inside the home," Posner said.

In dissent, Judge Ann Williams said governments have a strong interest in regulating guns on the street. "It is common sense, as the majority recognizes, that a gun is dangerous to more people when carried outside the home. When firearms are carried outside the home, the safety of a broader range of citizens is at issue. The risk of being injured or killed now extends to strangers, law enforcement personnel, and other private citizens who happen to be in the area," Williams said.

Gura represents the challengers to the New York law and he said he will ask the high court to review the 2nd Circuit ruling. Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan has not yet said whether the state will ask the full 7th Circuit court to reconsider its ruling or appeal to the Supreme Court.

So far, the Supreme Court has turned down appeals asking it to say more about guns. But that reluctance might fade if the court were presented with a split between appeals courts, typically a strong factor in attracting the justices' interest.

The Second Amendment talks about "the right to keep and bear arms and it's as if some courts want to take giant eraser to the words 'and bear' and pretend that they're not there," said David Thompson, managing partner of the Cooper and Kirk law firm in Washington. Thompson represented some plaintiffs in the Illinois case.

Northwestern University law professor Eugene Kontrovich said the difference between the New York and Chicago courts over what it means to bear arms could be enough to persuade the Supreme Court to intervene.

Winkler, the UCLA professor, said he thinks the Illinois statute would fall if it were to put to a test at the Supreme Court, probably by the same 5-4 vote as in Heller. But it is hard to predict how the Supreme Court might rule on restrictions that fall short of an outright ban on the right to carry a loaded weapon in public for self-defense, he said.

"Public possession is a different issue than having a gun in your home," Winkler said.


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Sunday, December 16, 2012

Why is Lewis Hamilton moving to Mercedes from McLaren in 2013 ...

Why is Lewis Hamilton moving to Mercedes from McLaren in 2013? ? Formula 1 Special

The 2012 F1 season was certainly an exciting one full of all the epic as well as disappointing moments.

Many memorable things happened throughout the year and one of the most shocking news that came in the second half of the season was Lewis Hamilton announcing his departure from McLaren and joining Mercedes AMG in 2013.

It is obvious that no driver will remain in the same team forever. Each driver has to move from one team to another at various points in their career. Hamilton has not been only driving for McLaren for the past six seasons but also has been related to the team since he was eleven years old. Leaving a team after such a long time does make it difficult which is evident from Hamilton?s statement about McLaren being his home.

The announcement came in September which was shortly followed by Michael Schumacher?s decision to retire for the final time. Hence, Hamilton is replacing Schumacher. The question that arises in any person?s mind who follows and understands F1 is that why the British driver will make a move to a less superior team.

It is no secret that Mercedes AMG has not lived up to the expectations of its fans. Ever since its formation in 2010, they have only secured one race victory that came with Nico Rosberg?s win in China. Even having the talent of Schumacher in their team, they could not achieve the common goals of a F1 team.

Hamilton has already given his main reason for the transfer. He is justified when he says that he is looking for a fresh challenge. Obviously after spending so many years in the same team with similar faces, anyone would want to look for something new. It will definitely help him renew his determination for winning which is already not that diminished proven by his struggles all season long despite a reliability stricken car.

McLaren could have won; and if not then could have at least been close to Red Bull had it not been their constant reliability issues that caused Hamilton?s retirements several times from pole. Even given these conditions, Hamilton never backed down; fighting for a single point in Korea.

Mercedes admits itself that their car has not been in the best condition and since Hamilton is used to driving a quick and competitive car, that is bound to give him a tough challenge. Of course, Mercedes will be trying their best to provide a better car but a weaker car will help Hamilton discover his actual driving skills.

Another reason for Hamilton?s move could be the rest he must be badly in need of. Being part of a team like McLaren brings immense pressure due to which you are bound to push yourselves all the time. With Mercedes that pressure will decrease and also there will be less sponsor events to attend giving him plenty of rest during the off season breaks. Hamilton will also be able to endorse more freely as compared to during his time in McLaren.

Hamilton and his former teammate, Jenson Button, have not been known to be very close but his friendship with Rosberg goes back to his time in Karting where they were teammates. Having a good relationship with your teammate besides work is going to make Hamilton?s time at Mercedes even more worthwhile.

Whether Hamilton will be able to turn the tables for the struggling Mercedes is something only the next season will tell but there is no doubt that the deal with Mercedes will help Hamilton gain more experience. ???


Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are solely of the writer?s and do not reflect official editorial policy.


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Saturday, December 15, 2012

Sao Paulo awarded Copa Sudamericana final

SAO PAULO (AP) ? The image of Brazilian soccer in the lead up to the 2014 World Cup took a hit Wednesday when the final of the Copa Sudamericana was abandoned after visiting club Tigre accused security officials of pulling guns and beating its players.

"What happened at the final was a serious setback to Brazil's image as host of next years' Confederations' Cup and the World Cup," Juca Kfouri, one of Brazil's leading sports commentators said by telephone.

Sao Paulo was awarded the title when Tigre refused to take the field for the second half of Wednesday's second leg of the final. Sao Paulo was leading 2-0, with the first leg having ended scoreless.

Officials of the Argentine club said their players and staff were beaten by security officials in the dressing room area at halftime and guns were drawn. The trouble off the pitch followed scuffles between the teams at the end of the first half.

Nestor Gorosito, the coach of Tigre, declined to take his team back on the field for the second half. He said security officials pulled guns on his players while others clubbed players and team officials.

"Rocks were hurled at the bus carrying the Argentine players to the stadium. They were not allowed to practice at the stadium and the team's private guards were reported to have threatened the Argentine players with guns" Kfouri said. "These barbaric things took place all the time last century between the 1920s and 1970s. It is a sad return through the tunnel of time to the deplorable past of South American football."

"A past that caused European teams like Milan and Real Madrid to refuse to come to South America to dispute the Intercontinental Cup" the predecessor to the Club World Cup, he added.

The chaotic scenes in Sao Paulo, before a sellout crowd of 65,000 at Morumbi stadium, is sure to trouble FIFA ? the governing body of world soccer ? which already has been frustrated by slow preparations for the World Cup.

Most of FIFA's angst so far has been focused on getting stadiums and new infrastructure in place. Now security also looms as a concern for the World Cup, which will be played at 12 venues across the country.

"Unfortunately, I don't think what happened on Wednesday will prompt FIFA to take any specific action regarding violence and security, and by Monday this whole thing will be forgotten," Kfouri said.

Violence on and off the pitch still blights many matches in South America, with Brazil and Argentina particularly affected. For the World Cup, FIFA relies on local officials and police to enforce safety at the stadiums.

The Confederations Cup, a preparatory event for the World Cup featuring eight national teams, will be played next year at six venues in Brazil.

With the 2016 Summer Games slated for Rio de Janeiro, Olympic officials also are sure to review the incident.

The trouble at the Morumbi stemmed from confrontations between the teams following a first half in which the hosts had taken a 2-0 lead on goals from Lucas and Osvaldo.

It was unclear what happened in the dressing room area, but Argentine television showed what appeared to be blood-spattered walls. Argentine television also showed several Tigre staff members with bruises and bloody faces.

"Police entered and struck our players with clubs," Gorosito told Argentine television. "It was crazy. What happened was crazy."

A Brazilian police officer who identified himself was Major Gonzaga told reporters police were called to break up a fight between Argentine players and Sao Paulo security guards, but that that no one was armed and that police did not act violently.

Joao Paulo de Jesus Lopes, one of Sao Paulo's vice presidents told reporters that Tigre players tried to "break into the Brazilian team's locker room and injured some of Sao Paulo's security guards.

"We were fighting for 15 minutes with people trained by, and wearing the colors of Sao Paulo. There was no need to do something like this. They were winning the match," said Tigre keeper Albil.

Romer Osuna, a Bolivian official with CONMEBOL, South America's governing body of soccer, said Tigre players were afraid to return to the field.

"The Tigre people declined to play because they considered security was not good enough," Osuna told Fox Sports.

Referee Enrique Osses of Chile awarded the victory to Sao Paulo after waiting about 30 minutes for Tigre to retake the field.

Sao Paulo scored twice in five minutes in the first half ? a left-footed drive from Lucas in the 23rd and a lobbing shot from the right wing by Osvaldo in the 28th.

Sao Paulo, one of Latin America's most famous clubs, is a three-time winner of the Copa Libertadores, South America's most prestigious club tournament. It has also won the Club World Cup once, and twice won the Intercontinental Cup, the predecessor to the Club World Cup.

This was the club's first Copa Sudamericana title.

Tigre was playing in its first international final and has never won the Argentine first-division title.


Associated Press writer Steve Wade contributed to this report.


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Friday, December 14, 2012

Will Brody Die? Is Carrie the Mole? Is It All a Dream?

Damian Lewis as Nicholas "Nick" Brody in Homeland's season finale.

Damian Lewis as Nicholas "Nick" Brody in Homeland's season finale.

Photo by Kent Smith/Showtime.

One critic likened Season 2 of Homeland to an extended game of Mad Libs, so implausible were some of its plot twists. As the final episode approaches, we asked Slate writers and the folks who took part in the Homeland TV Club to offer their predictions for what will go down Sunday night. We also plucked a couple of smart suggestions from the Internet.

Quinn kills Brody, and he and Estes exchange Brody?s body for Abu Nazir?s body. Then they dump it out at sea. That?s the body we saw in the ?next week on Homeland? trailer. Saul tips off Carrie, but too late to save Brody, and now they have no hard evidence. She is horrified and heartbroken and vows to prove what happened so she can bring down Quinn and Estes. But Saul is discredited and exiled and Carrie is in some sort of box, too. The problem with this theory is that it means no more Damian Lewis playing Nicholas Brody in Season 3, which would be a crying shame.? Emily Bazelon

I predict that all the emphasis on the romance between Carrie and Brody (which has been driving some of us nuts) is a masterful sleight of hand by the writers. Carrie is the only person alive who knows that Brody killed the vice president. And Brody could barely play off his feelings about the death of Abu Nazir in front of his own family. Brody is using his alleged feelings for Carrie to lull her into a false sense of security, but actually he?s unhinged and she?s in great danger. Will Quinn save her? I might be wrong, but I have to believe it. Because otherwise, the show is a second-rate soap opera based on a completely unbelievable affair. ?Rachael Larimore

Brody needs to die, but Carrie Mathison needs, as Roya Hammad put it to her, "someone who takes over your life, pulls you in, gets you to do things you would normally never do." So my bet: Peter Quinn manages to take out Brody in the finale. Next season, Saul and Carrie work together to prove that Quinn, David Estes, and?Dar Adul are in it together, if only so I can get my prescription dose of F. Murray Abraham. And Quinn and Carrie do some??Stage 5?delusional getting laid? of their own. ?Alyssa Rosenberg

Quinn will follow orders and kill Brody, only to be burned by Estes and Dar Adul. Carrie will realize that Saul has an agenda of his own?suspects with valuable information die when he?s around. Quinn and Carrie?when they?re not screaming at each other or screwing?will spend Season 3 trying to figure out who Saul is really working for. ?June Thomas

I continue to think the season is going to wind its way around to Carrie having to kill Brody, then discovering she?s having his child. ?The AV Club?s Todd VanDerWerff (in his take on Episode 211)

I have a sinking feeling that Season 2's finale will wrap up with Brody dead?though not at the hands of gorgeous Peter Quinn, who I envision standing down out of compassion for Carrie. Maybe Estes himself will pull the trigger, as Saul and Carrie burst into the room. When word gets out, Estes will retire in disgrace, and Saul will reconcile with his wife and open a waffle restaurant. The last we see of Claire Danes will be a shot of her bent over Brody's body, making the Cry Face To End All Cry Faces. ?Katy Waldman

Honestly, I have not the foggiest idea. It has gone so far off into the realm of preposterousness that they could do anything. It will probably end with Brody?a trained sniper, remember??killing Dar Adul, as Dar Adul prepares to murder Carrie and Saul. ?David Plotz

Brody becomes the new No. 1, replacing Abu Nazir. He never had divided loyalties and has been working for the terrorists all along. He has been carefully setting up Carrie and is going to make it look like she is the mole. ?Emily Yoffe

Could the big bad be a character you never thought of?

If Nazir had been really smart, he would have spent years cultivating those close to Brody and Walker, knowing they would need a minder when they got back to the States, someone to keep Brody from connecting with his family ... aka Mike. ?Chad Briggs

Carrie is the mole. That?s what Estes says, anyway, creating a convincing narrative: Carrie and Brody became terrorist sympathizers. Carrie and Brody are framed for Walden?s death. Carrie?s history of mental illness?manifested in erratic behavior, insubordination, and suspension?plays in. Her obsession with Nazir evolved into admiration. Estes says she was a complicit prisoner.

Estes leaks Brody?s video and other evidence that golden boy Brody is a conspirator. Brody?s family doesn?t know any better. The only person who knows otherwise is Saul, but Estes saw to it that he was discredited.

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Thursday, December 13, 2012

Pedestrian, Bike & Equestrian Mater Plan Meeting

Big Bear Lake, CA, December 12, 2012 ? The Big Bear Lake City Council and Planning Commission will gather to discuss the Big Bear Valley Pedestrian, Bicycle, and Equestrian Master Plan Wednesday, December 12, 2012 at 11am. The meeting will include outcomes of community involvement, and a discussion of outdoor recreation economic development opportunities. The public is welcome to attend in Hofert Hall at the Big Bear Lake Performing Arts Center.?The Master Plan process will develop a blueprint for physical improvements?and programs to build a community of healthy, ?enjoyable and safe?neighborhoods for people on foot, bike, horseback and other alternative?modes of transportation. It will also develop a guide for attracting and building?businesses related to the recreation industry.

Related posts:

  1. Master Plan of Trails Process Discussed at Planning Commission
  2. Outdoor Enthusiasts, The City Is Listening
  3. City Council Looks At Master Plan Of Trails Proposal, And Village Specific Plan


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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Lohan to be arraigned on new driving charges in LA

FILE - In this Oct. 11, 2012 file photo, Lindsay Lohan attends the Mr. Pink Ginseng launch party at the Beverly Wilshire hotel in Beverly Hills, Calif. Los Angeles city prosecutors said Tuesday Dec. 11, 2012 that they will seek to revoke Lohan's probation because the actress has been charged with three misdemeanors stemming from a June car crash. (Photo by Richard Shotwell/Invision/AP, File)

FILE - In this Oct. 11, 2012 file photo, Lindsay Lohan attends the Mr. Pink Ginseng launch party at the Beverly Wilshire hotel in Beverly Hills, Calif. Los Angeles city prosecutors said Tuesday Dec. 11, 2012 that they will seek to revoke Lohan's probation because the actress has been charged with three misdemeanors stemming from a June car crash. (Photo by Richard Shotwell/Invision/AP, File)

FILE - In this Oct. 11, 2012 file photo, Lindsay Lohan attends the Mr. Pink Ginseng launch party at the Beverly Wilshire hotel in Beverly Hills, Calif. Lohan is due to be arraigned on Wednesday, Dec. 12, 2012 on three misdemeanor charges filed after authorities say they determined the actress lied about being a passenger when her Porsche slammed into the back of a dump truck in June. (Photo by Richard Shotwell/Invision/AP, File)

FILE - In this Oct. 11, 2012 file photo, Lindsay Lohan attends the Mr. Pink Ginseng launch party at the Beverly Wilshire hotel in Beverly Hills, Calif. Los Angeles city prosecutors said Tuesday Dec. 11, 2012 that they will seek to revoke Lohan's probation because the actress has been charged with three misdemeanors stemming from a June car crash. (Photo by Richard Shotwell/Invision/AP, File)

(AP) ? Lindsay Lohan is scheduled to be arraigned on misdemeanor charges that could result in her returning to jail, but the star is not required to attend Wednesday's proceedings.

The actress faces three counts of reckless driving, lying to a police officer and obstructing an officer from performing duties after an accident in which Lohan's Porsche slammed into the back of a dump truck in June. Authorities in Santa Monica, Calif., allege Lohan lied about being behind-the-wheel before the accident and the charges could prompt a probation violation in her 2011 necklace theft case.

Los Angeles city prosecutors announced Tuesday they have asked a judge to revoke Lohan's probation in the necklace case, which could result in her being sentenced to 245 days in jail after the Santa Monica case is resolved.

Wednesday's hearing will likely lay out the next court dates and whether the "Liz and Dick" star will have to make one of her closely-watched court appearances for a probation violation hearing.

Lohan's attorney Shawn Holley did not return phone or email messages seeking comment on Tuesday. California defendants facing misdemeanors can avoid appearing in court if they are represented by an attorney, unless a judge orders otherwise.

Lohan, 26, was on her way to the set of the Lifetime biopic "Liz and Dick" on Pacific Coast Highway before the June accident, which sent her to the hospital briefly. She returned to the set later in the day, but police determined she had lied about her assistant driving her Porsche at the time.

After being removed from supervised probation in March, Lohan attempted to mount a comeback, filming two movies and a cameo with Charlie Sheen in the latest installment of the "Scary Movie" franchise.

Her performance in the first film released, "Liz and Dick," wasn't greeted favorably by fans or critics.

The new case could prompt a judge to sentence Lohan to jail for violating her probation for taking a $2,500 necklace from a store without permission in 2011. The jewelry was later returned, but it sparked months of court hearings and morgue cleanup duty for the star, who has struggled personally and professionally since being arrested twice in 2007 for driving under the influence.

Lohan was ordered to remain out of trouble and a judge urged her to stop partying at nightclubs, but neither has happened.

She also faces a misdemeanor assault charge in New York after a woman claimed she was hit by Lohan in a Manhattan nightclub. It is unknown whether New York prosecutors will pursue charges, or drop them as they did earlier this year when Lohan was accused of hitting a man with her car.


Anthony McCartney can be reached at

Associated Press


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Monday, December 10, 2012

'Catfish' Has You Hooked, But What's Next?

Nev and Max celebrate the show's success and preview tonight's episode.
By Katie Atkinson

Nev Schulman and Max Joseph of "Catfish: The TV Show"
Photo: MTV News


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Steroid hormone receptor prefers working alone to shut off immune system genes

Dec. 9, 2012 ? Researchers at Emory University School of Medicine have obtained a detailed molecular picture that shows how glucocorticoid hormones shut off key immune system genes.

The finding could help guide drug discovery efforts aimed at finding new anti-inflammatory drugs with fewer side effects.

The results are scheduled for publication Dec. 9 by the journal Nature Structural & Molecular Biology.

Synthetic glucocorticoid hormones -- for example, prednisone and dexamethasone -- are widely used to treat conditions such as allergies, asthma, autoimmune diseases and cancer. They mimic the action of the natural hormone cortisol, which is involved in the response to stress and in regulating metabolism and the immune system. For this reason, synthetic glucocorticoids have a variety of severe side effects such as increased blood sugar and reduced bone density.

Both cortisol and synthetic hormones act by binding the glucocorticoid receptor, a protein that binds DNA and turns some genes on and others off. The hormone is required for the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) to enter the nucleus, giving it access to DNA.

For GR-targeting therapeutics, the desired anti-inflammatory effects are thought to come mainly from turning off inflammatory and immune system genes, while the side effects result from turning on genes involved in processes such as metabolism and bone growth.

The mechanism driving GR anti-inflammatory action has been debated, since was no GR binding site identified near these anti-inflammatory genes. Thus, GRs immunosupression was thought to occur indirectly, whereby GR blocks the ability of other critical DNA-binding proteins to stimulate gene expression. Last year French scientists discovered that the GR turns some immune system genes off directly by recognizing a distinct DNA sequence used only in gene repression.

Eric Ortlund, PhD, Emory assistant professor of biochemistry, and first author William Hudson, a Molecular and Systems Pharmacology graduate student, used X-rays to probe crystals of GR bound to a stretch of DNA where it acts "repressively" to shut down the transcription of immune genes.

When the GR turns genes on, two GR molecules grasp each other while binding to DNA. However, the mode of binding to DNA at repressive sequences had remained unknown. Their analysis demonstrated that GR binds to repressive sites in pairs, but with two monomeric GR molecules located on opposite sides of the DNA helix.

"This unexpected geometry was still a surprise because GR has never been crystallized as a monomer bound to DNA, though previous studies proposed that GR monomers repress genes as opposed to GR dimers, which activate genes," says Ortlund.

In addition, the two GR molecules bind to different DNA sequences within the repressive DNA element, Hudson and Ortlund found. They also analyzed how mutations affected the ability of GR to bind repressive sites, showing that binding of the first GR molecule inhibits the binding of a second GR molecule. This "negative cooperativity" may play a role in ensuring that only GR monomers bind to DNA.

The study suggests that a drug preventing GR from interacting with other GR molecules while still allowing them to bind DNA and turn genes off may have anti-inflammatory effects with fewer side effects. One such plant-based compound, "compound A," has been under investigation by several laboratories.

"Our structural data could help scientists design synthetic hormones that separate these two aspects of GR function, potentially leading to improved steroid hormones for diseases ranging from asthma to autoimmune disorders," says Ortlund.

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Emory University, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS. The original article was written by Quinn Eastman.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. William H Hudson, Christine Youn, Eric A Ortlund. The structural basis of direct glucocorticoid-mediated transrepression. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, 2012; DOI: 10.1038/nsmb.2456

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Sunday, December 9, 2012

Jessica + Jake Wedding Highlight Video :: Seattle Wedding Videography


Jessica + Jake Wedding Highlight Video :: Seattle Wedding Videography

Meet Jessica and Jake, the sweet couple I had the chance to film at their wedding last September 29. Held at the Landmark Event Center (beautiful, btw) and photographed by Latasha Haynes Photography. My favorite part was the full mariachi band that played during the cocktail hour. Stunning!

by Life. Photographed. 5 hours ago


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Saturday, December 8, 2012

Low fat diet helps drop pounds, study suggests

ScienceDaily (Dec. 6, 2012) ? Exchanging fatty foods for lower fat alternatives will help people shift around three-and-a-half pounds -- without any other form of dieting. People taking part in trials also saw their waist-lines become slimmer, and levels of bad cholesterol decrease. The results demonstrate that weight loss can happen without actively trying to lose weight beyond simply choosing foods lower in fat.

The report was commissioned by the World Health Organisation (WHO) Nutrition Guidance Expert Advisory Group (NUGAG) Subgroup on Diet and Health following a request to update their guidelines on total fat intake. The results will be crucial in making global recommendations.

The research is particularly important because being overweight or obese increases the risk of many cancers, coronary heart disease and stroke. Reductions in total fat were also associated with small but statistically significant reductions in cholesterols and blood pressure, suggesting a beneficial effect on other major cardiovascular risk factors.

The systematic review included results from 33 randomised controlled trials, in North America, Europe and New Zealand, involving 73,589 men, women and children.

Those taking part had varying states of health. Comparisons were made between those eating less fat than usual (intervention group) and those eating their usual amount of fat (control group). The effect on weight and waist line was measured after at least six months.

The results show that eating less fat reduces body weight by 1.6kg, BMI by 0.56kg/m? and waist circumference by 0.5cm. All these effects were in trials in which weight loss was not the intended outcome, suggesting that they occur in people with normal diets. The weight loss happened quickly and was maintained over at least seven years.

The research was led by Dr Lee Hooper from UEA's Norwich Medical School. She said: "The weight reduction that we found when people ate less fat was remarkably consistent -- we saw it in almost every trial. Those who cut down more on fat, lost more weight.

"The effect isn't dramatic, like going on a diet. The research specifically looked at people who were cutting down on fat, but didn't aim to lose weight -- so they were continuing to consume a normal amount of food. What surprised us was that they did lose weight, their BMI decreased and their waists became slimmer. On top of this, they kept their weight down over at least seven years. There isn't a specific goal, the more fat you cut down, the more your weight falls.

"We didn't consider different types of fat in this study," said Dr Hooper. "But cutting down on saturated fat reduces our risk of heart disease and strokes, so the healthiest way to cut down on fat is to cut down on saturated fats.

"This means having low fat milk and yogurt, cutting down on butter and cheese, and cutting the fat off meat. Most importantly have fruit instead of fatty snacks like biscuits, cake and crisps. And remember, this isn't a diet, so don't take it to extremes, but work out a way of eating that you can stick to permanently.

"Keeping healthy is not just about fat and weight -- but cutting down on fat, especially saturated fat, is a great start. Being physically active, not smoking, drinking alcohol in moderation, eating plenty of fruit and vegetables, and drinking plenty of fluid also help to keep us healthy. We just need to get in the habit of doing these things," she added.

Co-author Prof Carolyn Summerbell, from Durham University, said: "A healthy diet is a way of eating that people can sustain over time. That's the trick, to find a comfortable way to eat that you can stick to for life which helps you maintain your weight. Cutting down on fat will help.

"Doing exercise and being physically active is good for maintaining weight and also has other health benefits, but it's not a replacement for a healthy diet."

The small amount of data available for children in the same analysis confirmed a relationship between total fat intake and subsequent weight change. Further trials are needed to examine the effect of reducing fat intake on body weight in developing countries as well as in children.

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of East Anglia, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. L. Hooper, A. Abdelhamid, H. J. Moore, W. Douthwaite, C. M. Skeaff, C. D. Summerbell. Effect of reducing total fat intake on body weight: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials and cohort studies. BMJ, 2012; 345 (dec06 1): e7666 DOI: 10.1136/bmj.e7666

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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New evidence for epigenetic effects of diet on healthy aging

Dec. 6, 2012 ? New research in human volunteers has shown that molecular changes to our genes, known as epigenetic marks, are driven mainly by aging but are also affected by what we eat.

The study showed that whilst age had the biggest effects on these molecular changes, selenium and vitamin D status reduced the accumulation of epigenetic changes, and high blood folate and obesity increased them. These findings support the idea that healthy aging is affected by what we eat.

Researchers from the Institute of Food Research led by Dr Nigel Belshaw, working with Prof John Mathers and colleagues from Newcastle University, examined the cells lining the gut wall from volunteers attending colonoscopy clinic. The Institute of Food Research is strategically funded the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council and this study was also funded by the Food Standards Agency.

The study volunteers were free from cancer or inflammatory bowel disease and consumed their usual diet without any supplements. The researchers looked for specific epigenetic modifications of the volunteers' genes that have been associated with the earliest signs of the onset of bowel cancer -- an age-related disease. These epigenetic marks, known as DNA methylation, do not alter the genetic code but affect whether the genes are turned on or off. These methylation marks are transmitted when cells divide, and some have been associated with the development of cancer.

The investigators studied the relationship between the occurrence of these epigenetic marks at genes known to be affected in cancer, and factors including the volunteers' age, sex, body size and the levels of some nutrients in the volunteers' blood. The biggest influence on gene methylation was age. This fits with the fact that the biggest risk factor for bowel cancer is age, with risk increasing exponentially over 50 years old.

The findings, published in the journal Aging Cell, showed that men tended to have a higher frequency of these epigenetic changes than women, which is consistent with men being at a greater risk of bowel cancer. Volunteers with higher vitamin D status tended to show lower levels of methylation, and a similar effect was observed for selenium status. Again, this is consistent with the known links between higher vitamin D and selenium and reduced bowel cancer risk.

The B vitamin folate is essential for health, but in this study, high folate status was associated with increased levels of epigenetic changes linked with bowel cancer. These findings are consistent with some epidemiological studies suggesting that excessive folate intakes may increase risk in some people. The results of this study showing an association between folate status and epigenetic changes linked to cancer, together with those from another recent study by Nigel Belshaw's group showing that, in cells grown in the laboratory, they could be induced by exposure to high levels of folic acid, emphasise the need for further research on optimal folate status in humans. The researchers intend to investigate the mechanism for the effect of folate on DNA methylation in a follow-up study.

Obesity is also a risk factor for bowel cancer. This study found relationships between body size (height, weight and waist circumference) and epigenetic changes. How excess body weight induces these epigenetic changes, and the consequences for gut health, are currently being investigated at IFR and in Newcastle University.

In summary, the results of this study support the hypothesis that aging affects the epigenetic status of some genes and that these effects can be modulated by diet and body fatness.

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Norwich BioScience Institutes.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Henri S Tapp, Daniel M Commane, D Michael Bradburn, Ramesh Arasaradnam, John C Mathers, Ian T Johnson, Nigel J Belshaw. Nutritional factors and gender influence age-related DNA methylation in the human rectal mucosa. Aging Cell, 2012; DOI: 10.1111/acel.12030

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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